Freedom to political prisoners in Israeli prisons!
The colonialist Israel state is terrorizing the Palestinian people on the land it has occupied for 75 years. Millions of Palestinians have been forced to flee their homes and are now living as refugees all around the world, in particular in neighboring countries.
For 75 years, Israeli soldiers and armed zionist forces have been seizing Palestinian homes, torturing them and indiscriminately slaughtering children, women and the elderly.
For 75 years, the entire infrastructure of Palestine, such as power plants, water reservoirs, schools, hospitals, etc., has been destroyed, and Palestinians have been subjected to starvation.
For 75 years, tens of thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered before the eye’s of the world. With the USA and the EU at the head, all imperialist and reactionary states, by continuing to provide every kind of support to Israel and its barbarism, are giving the greenlight to these genocidal attacks.
Following the operation started against Israel on the 7th October by 14 resistance groups, across Gaza which has been turned into an open-air prison, the zionist Israeli state is once again bombing power plants, water reserves, schools where civilians have gathered, hospitals, mosques and churches, and houses and continues to murder thousands of people, among who many are women and children. Israel is once again committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in front of the entire world.
Prisoners are being used as bargaining chips!
The zionist Israeli state is trying to take its revenge for the resistance started on the 7th October by tyrannizing the thousands who have been taken prisoner in the Palestinian people’s struggle against settler colonization.
Kedura Fares, Head of the Palestinian Prisoners Association, emphasized that many prisoners’ legs and hands were broken, that their comrades did not recognize them after the torture they were subjected to, and that Israel is making Palestinian prisoners pay for its failures acting only out of blind revenge.
As Prisoners’ Voice Platform, we are firmly on the side of the Palestinian resistance organizations in their legitimate struggle against zionist Israeli occupation and colonialist brutality. Just as we too stand with the Kurdish people in their resistance to the fascist and colonialist Turkish state’s brutal occupation and violence.
We stand in protest against the imperialist European states, who are taking the side of the murderous Israel and attacking and banning protests in solidarity with Palestine. We will build international solidarity among all the oppressed people of the world against all imperialist, reactionary and fascist states.
The Solidarity Network for Palestinian Prisoners expresses that we stand with Samidoun against the banning and criminalization efforts against Samidoun and that we will increase our solidarity with the Palestinian people and their prisoners.
Prisoner’s Voice Platform (TSP)