3rd November 2023
The German state, partner in crime with the zionist Israel state in their genocidal assault on the Palestinian people, are continuing their attacks on Palestinians and their organisations in Germany.
The German state, by providing all kinds of support to Israel as they destroy settlements in Gaza, slaughter over 9 thousand people many of whom are women and children, wound tens of thousands of others, and through relentless bombardments of hospitals, schools, water, food and fuel depots, and power stations expose hundreds of thousands to the starvation and the elements, is an accomplice in Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The German state is trying to silence anyone who dares speak out against Israel’s barbaric attack and is banning protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Even the flying of Palestinian flags or the wearing of symbolic keffiyeh is not tolerated. Though it is written in the constitution, the “right to assembly and demonstration” is being cast aside and the state is flouting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Interior Minister of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), who are as social as they are democratic, recently announced the outlawing of Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. Just as the German state has been working to suppress anyone who spoke out against their imperialist warmongering in Ukraine, it is now working to silence any voices speaking out against the zionist Israeli state’s genocide against the Palestinians.
We already know well the German state’s position from its support for the Turkish state as they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity across Turkey and Kurdistan, and from its bans imposed on the PKK and other revolutionary organisations located in Germany.
We reject the German state’s ban on the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Samidoun) and oppose it strongly. We view the ban imposed on Samidoun, which supports Palestinian fighters who have fallen prisoner in their just and legitimate struggle, as an attack on all democratic and progressive organisations and we declare our endless support for and solidarity with Samidoun.
The aim of the ban on Samidoun is clearly an attempt to prevent the exposure of the zionist Israeli state’s torture, deportations and brutal attacks on Palestinian revolutionaries held prisoner.
The whereabouts, health conditions and fates of Palestinian revolutionary prisoners must be immediately announced.
Samidoun is not alone. We reject the ban on Samidoun and will overturn it through international solidarity.
Long live international solidarity!
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Voice of Prisoners Platform (TSP)