In World Human Rights Week, 10-17th December, in the prisons of the fascist Turkish state isolation, torture, oppression and rights violations carry on as usual. The Turkish state continues to flout the rights enshrined in the now 75-year-old Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Turkish state, whilst on the one hand continuing its attacks on revolutionaries, workers, labourers, intellectuals, women, youth, the LGBTQ+ community, and environmental activists and continuing to torture, detain and arrest them in an attempt to silence all opposition, is also trying to subdue political prisoners held hostage in prisons through torture, blocking the treatment or release of sick prisoners, and other rights violations.
The the absolute solitary confinement imposed on Abdullah Ocalan and the other prisoners for the past 33 months in Imrali and the prevention of any communication with their families or lawyers is a flagrant violation of international law, We once again state that the Imrali system of isolation is a continuation of the policy of settler-colonial war and destruction directed by the fascist Turkish state at the Kurdish people.
Faşist Saray rejiminin hapishanelerde esir tuttuğu PKK ve PAJK’lı tutsakların Abdullah Öcalan üzerindeki tecridin kaldırılması ve fiziki özgürlüğünün sağlanması talebiyle 27 Kasım’dan bu yana sürdürdükleri dönüşümlü açlık grevi bu sömürgeci imha politikasına bir cevaptır. Tutsakların haklı ve meşru talepleri bir an önce karşılanmalıdır.
The commencement of an alternating hunger strike by PKK and PAJK prisoners held by the fascist palace regime which has been continuing since the 27th November with the demand of the lifting of the solitary confinement imposed upon Abdullah Ocalan and the granting of his physical freedom, is a reply to this destructive, colonial policy. The correct and legitimate demands of these prisoners must be immediately met.
The Imrali system of isolation is increasingly being imposed upon political prisoners held in other prisons. In the high security S and Y type prisons constructed within the past few years, the use of solitary confinement and isolation on political prisoners is increasing.
The usurpation of prisoners rights is also ever increasing. Sick prisoners, by having their essential medical treatment blocked and being refused release, are being condemned to death. Attacks such as physical and psychological torture, insults and threats, strip searches, exile and transfers, communication bans, restrictions or bans on newspapers, magazines, letters, books, deprivation of food, clean water and hygiene items, cell raids, restricting or completely preventing prisoners’ ties with the outside or with others altogether, and preventing the release of prisoners through administration and observation boards have become routine.
The fascist Turkish state, by pursuing its policy of murdering the political prisoners held hostage within its prisoners with attacks and incessant rights violations designed to turn prisoners’ every waking moment into torture, is guilty of commiting crimes against humanity.
We stand against the fascist dictatorship’s rights violations and attacks on prisoners. We demand the lifting of isolation imposed on Ocalan and other political prisoners, an immediate end to all rights violations, and the release of all sick prisoners.
The demands of prisoners on hunger strike must be met!
End isolation and rights violations!
Release sick prisoners immediately!
Freedom for political prisoners!
Prisoners Voice Platform (TSP)